Кусочные переводы. От Юзуэко читать дальшеJavi:Between me and Yuzuru gradually improved by chasing back with each other.
(Refer to the photo ) Javi: I told him "It was my honor to compete with you Yuzuru, this is the last competition that I fight against you, I am going to retire" Yuzuru said I was so bad, but I thought that it was the best time to tell it.
At the WC in 2015, Javi: Yuzuru said "I am really glad you won. I am not the one who is in the top today, but watching the scenery with you." I understood the meaning well. I think that I became a true friend with Yuzuru from that time.
(The end of the show, message to Hanyu) Javi: First of all, I want you to cure the current injury. After recovery, just keep going ahead as much as you like. And when the time to retire, look back your path for the first time. The path you have climbed up is what will be handed down forever. And don't forget that my name is on that path!
От Нади читать дальшеWhen Yuzuru was injured, the thing Javi worried about the most is the malicious envy, bad rumours, and gossip being spread against Yuzu by media and antis. Figure skating was too popular in Jpn and he thought it will reach Yuzu and he would be badly hurt by them
Javi about Yuzuru at Sochi: Everyone tends to forget that Sochi is Yuzuru's first Olympic. While stepping out for the first time in a big stage like Olympics, almost everything will look huge to you. Everyone made mistakes but in such situation Yuzu performed brilliantly. And as a result, his first performance was the best program back then.
UPD. 28 декабря 2019 был повтор передачи, появилась дополнительная инфа о том, что не попало в основную "ленту"
More tidbits of "Another Stories"
Dick Button : He was candid 3times more than what was on-aired Plushenko : Interview was restricted to 1 hour, but they had to wait 5 hours for his arrival. He was Indeed an Emperor. Every word from him was so cool and was worth waiting Javi : Speaking about what he has in common with Yuzuru "What we never do is to lower the levels" "Adversity is a spring (to jump up) and not a hole (to fall into) twitter.com/bty_bst_phtm/status/121122392484065...
Хави о том, что у них общего с Юзу: - никогда не понижают уровень - превратности/неудачи - это пружина (чтобы прыгнуть выше), а не дыра (чтобы в нее провалиться).
С ПХ, попытки перевода с испанского по губам Хави Японцы все же (ожидаемо) добавили возвышенности/пафоса (но почему нельзя было просто сделать сабы, а не дублировать??) Тут не все, конечно, только кусочки, которые юзер разобрал.
читать дальше(After Sochi footage) Javi: You have to have... a lot of strength, I think. Yuzu’s very strong and he's a guy who can never give up. He always tries to achieve new things and overcome new challenges/trials (...) and when faced with difficult competitions, he’s always tried to fight.
(About seeing Yuzu’s 2014 Olympic plaque every day) It gives you a little bit of envy.
(About Worlds 2015) J: I think Yuzu was very sad because he wanted to win but at the same time, he even told me that he was very happy to see me there. (...)
(About the months before PC) J: I didn’t see him much.
"Who was your rival going into Pyeongchang?" J: Yuzuru. My rival was Yuzuru, always. I knew that if I did a perfect program I could compete against Shoma and Nathan very easily. But whenever Yuzuru skated perfectly he’s always received higher scores than me.
(ref to OLYS Seimei) J: I haven't seen this program. (After Yuzu landed 3Lo) Very good *smiles brightly*. (during the chsq) Even though he must be very tired for sure, he looks well.
(after Yuzuru’s Oly LP) J: I knew he had skated well but I didn’t focus on that.
(”You are so bad” moment) “What were you talking about?” J: At first, I congratulated Yuzuru and Shoma for their medals and I told them it had been an honour to compete with them. And then I said that this probably had been my last competiton alongside them. (...) And that’s why Yuzu told me “You are so bad” (smiles even brighter than before). It was a beautiful moment.
J: When the time comes for him to retire, I hope he feels proud of the story he’s had but above all, that his name will be remembered/engraved (?) in figure skating and hopefully, mine too.
28 декабря был повтор передачи, появилась дополнительная инфа о том, что не попало в основную "ленту"
More tidbits of "Another Stories"
Dick Button : He was candid 3times more than what was on-aired Plushenko : Interview was restricted to 1 hour, but they had to wait 5 hours for his arrival. He was Indeed an Emperor. Every word from him was so cool and was worth waiting Javi : Speaking about what he has in common with Yuzuru "What we never do is to lower the levels" "Adversity is a spring (to jump up) and not a hole (to fall into) twitter.com/bty_bst_phtm/status/121122392484065...
Хави о том, что у них общего с Юзу: - никогда не понижают уровень - превратности/неудачи - это пружина (чтобы прыгнуть выше), а не дыра (чтобы в нее провалиться).
Дик Баттон, Ч.2, Плющ, Ч.3, Хави (продолжение, когда юзер закончит, будет в этом же комменте).
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More tidbits of "Another Stories"
Dick Button : He was candid 3times more than what was on-aired
Plushenko : Interview was restricted to 1 hour, but they had to wait 5 hours for his arrival. He was Indeed an Emperor. Every word from him was so cool and was worth waiting
Javi : Speaking about what he has in common with Yuzuru
"What we never do is to lower the levels"
"Adversity is a spring (to jump up) and not a hole (to fall into)
Хави о том, что у них общего с Юзу:
- никогда не понижают уровень
- превратности/неудачи - это пружина (чтобы прыгнуть выше), а не дыра (чтобы в нее провалиться).