Что-то было в треде, что-то было на тумбе, не хотелось бы, чтобы это все потерялось.
Звериная доля на инглише, т. к. нет времени перевести (м.б. потом или кто-то другой сподобится).
Цитата из Хавикниги про ужины и про ЧМ-2015, с тумбы этого юзера (нужный пост уже не найду, сорри)
это вопрос-ответHave you read Javier's bio?? Since you're spanish and seems you like yuzuvier bromance... I'll just leave this here and go. “However, my main obstacle shared with me training, ice rink, city, conversations, suppers... It was my teammate Yuzuru Hanyu. ” So what is the truth, Javi?? You don’t hang out outside of training or you have dinners together often enough to metion it casualy in your bio??
Also… “When I left the ice, almost crying, to hug Tracy and Brian, Yuzuru applauded smiling.” (cause in my heart is a relevant fact he mentions this when recalling such an important memory -his first world championship-)
As for what you point out I don’t really know what you want me to say xD I think it just shows the perpetual duality or contradiction that exist between what he consciously wants everyone to believe about their relationship and what you can see through the details of their actions… What is the reason for that? Well, I’m sure I said this before, but I think it has a lot to do with how uncomfortable he has felt with the Yuzuvier shipping (specially non in a brotp way)
getting into his social media and also the need to separate his image and career from Yuzu’s to get some individuality. I mean, he’s a great athlete but sometimes people/press seem to forget that and link everything around him with Yuzu, which is bound to get annoying at some point no matter how important they personaly and privately had been for each other at certain times.
I don’t know if I explained myself or if anon has the anwer he was looking for so if someone has some other view on this… please don’t hesitate to butt in.
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С тумбы.
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В: I only know a little bit of Spanish and so could be wrong, but was Javi talking about going back to TCC at some point in that interview? I understood that he "might do competitions here and there" and has to be ready for that, but I couldn't grasp if he mentioned how exactly he plans on doing that.
О: Yeah, you got that right!! And I don’t even know why I didn’t metioned it cause is something that I’ve being wondering about since he said he was leaving Canada…Here’s what they say in that part (min. 06:58 of the DMAX interview I posted earlier):
I: You’ve talked before about the sacrifice of being away from your people for so many years. But you commented recently that you’ve decided to come back to Spain. Without finishing your career completely, cause you said you still wanted to do some cometitions, some European, some Grand Prix… Can you make that compatible? Being here with preparing for those competitions? Or you’ll have to go abroad again?
J: Well, that’s a good question. That’s something that we’ll have to keep looking at and that I’ll have to talk with my coach. It’s clear that if I compete and I need new programs I’ll have to go to Toronto to create them. And then the training previous to a competition that I’ll probably do even if I won’t be doing the whole season… I’m almost certain that I’l have to spend a lot of time in Toronto, although maybe I can stop by Spain and keep training. But most of the time of that training probably I’ll have to spend with Brian, that in the end is my coach. And if I decide to do more competitions or a competition here and there I have to be prepared and to be prepared… I’ve been 8 years there, I’ve done well, so I think I should go back for that. But in this period from now till I have to train again I’ll be around here cause I also need some rest.
This is the most he’s explained about that and YAY!! he’s not leaving TCC completely for now and that makes me ridiculously happy
И еще кусок перевода с тумбы:
“When I decide that I’m going to leave my competitive career definitely, I have to choose a moment where I want to say goodbye to everyone. I’ve been in this skating family for a long time and there’s a lot of people that had followed my competitions around the world… And at some point, that may not be next year or at the European Championship, I will decide when I’m going to retire and I will tell to people so all of us can live that moment together.” (min. 09:25)
If you wanna bet I cried over this you would be right…
Please, tell me I’m not the only one that needs him to choose a competition in which will be participating at least Yuzu, the Shibsibs, Luca, Misha, Satoko, Boyang, Shoma and Evgenia to say goodbye???
Plus… to the question “who has cried the most? your mom, your dad, your sister, you…?” (min. 11:08):
- “That I have seen, nobody. The only one was Yuzuru but it was also for a couple of things that I said to him. But from my family, I know that they were crying because they told me but I wasn’t in that moment.”
(Nevermind me, I’m still two emotional about Javi and Yuzu and the OWG in general)
Интервью на rtve.es
переводы и реакцииКраткий пересказ с Голдена:
Javi saying in an interview that he's definitely moving back to Spain but as he wants to do "some competitions next season" he may go back to Toronto to train with Brian and Tracy to prepare for those compeittions
He says he sees the possibility of a 7th European title as an interesting challenge "it is a competition where I know I can compete well"
They mention Yuzuru's words about him the other day and he highlights their "beautiful rivalry" saying they appreciate the work of the other and they have pushed each other to improve everyday. He also says Yuzuru is really a hard worker.
Asked about who he sees winning world Javi says that he thinks it's going to be either Shoma or Nathan.
Javi says he's already working on a project to build an ice rink in Spain exclusively for Figure Skating so those skaters can have quality training close to home and they don't have to leave their lives behind by travelling abroad.
С тумблера поэтому же поводу:
I’ve been wondering since the FCCJ press conference if Javi actually knew what Yuzu said about him and this ^^^ just reminded me that yesterday in this interview they finally asked him about it!!! (around min. 09:30)
They didn’t show Javi’s face when in that moment (instead they put the clip from the FCCJ without audio) but I think Javi was mildly surprised and wondering how paraphrased was what the interviewer told him??
Part of his answer was “I think it’s benefited us greatly training together […] Yuzuru is an athlete that works very hard, that puts a lot of effort… and both of us appreciate each other’s work. And that is what has taught us… (interviewer interrupts him and they end up changing the topic but it’s clear he was going to say more)”
Again Javi with the polite and controled answers… But please note, the way he looks at the camera when he says “both of us” (is not just me that see it, rigth?) Can they please stop!! I’m kind of dying between cuteness and angst here…
(Комментарий другого юзера: Yesss, he gives the camera SUCH a funny look when he says “los dos,” I’m dying.
Реакция автора: Glad to know that I'm not the only one to notice something there cause sometimes I think I'm getting delusional with these two... LoL)
У меня скачаны оба этих интервью, если кому-то надо - напишите в комментах, залью. Вью на испанском.
Звериная доля на инглише, т. к. нет времени перевести (м.б. потом или кто-то другой сподобится).
Цитата из Хавикниги про ужины и про ЧМ-2015, с тумбы этого юзера (нужный пост уже не найду, сорри)
это вопрос-ответHave you read Javier's bio?? Since you're spanish and seems you like yuzuvier bromance... I'll just leave this here and go. “However, my main obstacle shared with me training, ice rink, city, conversations, suppers... It was my teammate Yuzuru Hanyu. ” So what is the truth, Javi?? You don’t hang out outside of training or you have dinners together often enough to metion it casualy in your bio??
Also… “When I left the ice, almost crying, to hug Tracy and Brian, Yuzuru applauded smiling.” (cause in my heart is a relevant fact he mentions this when recalling such an important memory -his first world championship-)
As for what you point out I don’t really know what you want me to say xD I think it just shows the perpetual duality or contradiction that exist between what he consciously wants everyone to believe about their relationship and what you can see through the details of their actions… What is the reason for that? Well, I’m sure I said this before, but I think it has a lot to do with how uncomfortable he has felt with the Yuzuvier shipping (specially non in a brotp way)
getting into his social media and also the need to separate his image and career from Yuzu’s to get some individuality. I mean, he’s a great athlete but sometimes people/press seem to forget that and link everything around him with Yuzu, which is bound to get annoying at some point no matter how important they personaly and privately had been for each other at certain times.
I don’t know if I explained myself or if anon has the anwer he was looking for so if someone has some other view on this… please don’t hesitate to butt in.
и скрин книги от нашего анонаПишет Гость:
07.03.2018 в 10:33
Хавикнига со скриномДля полной ясности и во избежание дальнейших споров - скрин Хавикниги с абзацем про ужины.))URL комментария
Всего в книге 4 упоминания Юзу.
ссылка на скрин - с телефона неудобно вставлять картинкой:
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кусочные переводы на русский и английскийПишет Гость:
07.03.2018 в 16:32
Хави сказал, что когда он соберется уходить на пенсию окончательно - объявит отдельно, а так он пока берет перерыв. Как ему надо будет ставить проги и готовиться к ЧЕ, он поедет к Брайану.URL комментария
Пишет Гость:
07.03.2018 в 16:42
Это из сегодняшнего фб вью? Хотя бы об окончательном уходе не говорит, уже хорошо.URL комментария
Еще я тут не очень понял, но Юзу плакал, потому что Хави ему кое-что сказал... мы блин знаем, что кое-что, но что именно? )
Algo curioso. Le preguntan por Yuzuru (lo mismo de siempre XD), pero mencionan la "razón" del porque Yuzuru lloró y por si un miembro de la familia de Javier había llorado. Según Javier no ha visto a ninguno de su familia llorar y el unico era Yuzuru, pero sobre todo porque le dijo un par de cosas.....
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07.03.2018 в 22:02
Что сказал Хави в сегодняшнем дневном интервьюURL комментария
Q:How do you manage the rivality?you both are like the yin and yang.
J:We manage good, we set the training, Brian knows how to manage perfectly, he knows when he need to stay with each other and how to manage our rivality, he only want the best for us and we want the best for our selfs, so have to Yuzu on training became so intense and of course we put rivality on the trainings but also we have fellowship.
Q:Yuzuru said that he was crying when you obtain the medal also Sara and Kirill told us the same, and you mother says that she was going to be exciting if you obtain the medal, so who cried more!?
J: In front of me anybody, the only one was Yuzu and that was because somethings that i told him. And for my family i know that they were crying but I was not in that moment.
Плохой, Хави, плохой
С тумбы.
Кусок перевода тут
В: I only know a little bit of Spanish and so could be wrong, but was Javi talking about going back to TCC at some point in that interview? I understood that he "might do competitions here and there" and has to be ready for that, but I couldn't grasp if he mentioned how exactly he plans on doing that.
О: Yeah, you got that right!! And I don’t even know why I didn’t metioned it cause is something that I’ve being wondering about since he said he was leaving Canada…Here’s what they say in that part (min. 06:58 of the DMAX interview I posted earlier):
I: You’ve talked before about the sacrifice of being away from your people for so many years. But you commented recently that you’ve decided to come back to Spain. Without finishing your career completely, cause you said you still wanted to do some cometitions, some European, some Grand Prix… Can you make that compatible? Being here with preparing for those competitions? Or you’ll have to go abroad again?
J: Well, that’s a good question. That’s something that we’ll have to keep looking at and that I’ll have to talk with my coach. It’s clear that if I compete and I need new programs I’ll have to go to Toronto to create them. And then the training previous to a competition that I’ll probably do even if I won’t be doing the whole season… I’m almost certain that I’l have to spend a lot of time in Toronto, although maybe I can stop by Spain and keep training. But most of the time of that training probably I’ll have to spend with Brian, that in the end is my coach. And if I decide to do more competitions or a competition here and there I have to be prepared and to be prepared… I’ve been 8 years there, I’ve done well, so I think I should go back for that. But in this period from now till I have to train again I’ll be around here cause I also need some rest.
This is the most he’s explained about that and YAY!! he’s not leaving TCC completely for now and that makes me ridiculously happy

И еще кусок перевода с тумбы:
“When I decide that I’m going to leave my competitive career definitely, I have to choose a moment where I want to say goodbye to everyone. I’ve been in this skating family for a long time and there’s a lot of people that had followed my competitions around the world… And at some point, that may not be next year or at the European Championship, I will decide when I’m going to retire and I will tell to people so all of us can live that moment together.” (min. 09:25)
If you wanna bet I cried over this you would be right…
Please, tell me I’m not the only one that needs him to choose a competition in which will be participating at least Yuzu, the Shibsibs, Luca, Misha, Satoko, Boyang, Shoma and Evgenia to say goodbye???
Plus… to the question “who has cried the most? your mom, your dad, your sister, you…?” (min. 11:08):
- “That I have seen, nobody. The only one was Yuzuru but it was also for a couple of things that I said to him. But from my family, I know that they were crying because they told me but I wasn’t in that moment.”
(Nevermind me, I’m still two emotional about Javi and Yuzu and the OWG in general)
Интервью на rtve.es
переводы и реакцииКраткий пересказ с Голдена:
Javi saying in an interview that he's definitely moving back to Spain but as he wants to do "some competitions next season" he may go back to Toronto to train with Brian and Tracy to prepare for those compeittions
He says he sees the possibility of a 7th European title as an interesting challenge "it is a competition where I know I can compete well"
They mention Yuzuru's words about him the other day and he highlights their "beautiful rivalry" saying they appreciate the work of the other and they have pushed each other to improve everyday. He also says Yuzuru is really a hard worker.
Asked about who he sees winning world Javi says that he thinks it's going to be either Shoma or Nathan.
Javi says he's already working on a project to build an ice rink in Spain exclusively for Figure Skating so those skaters can have quality training close to home and they don't have to leave their lives behind by travelling abroad.
С тумблера поэтому же поводу:
I’ve been wondering since the FCCJ press conference if Javi actually knew what Yuzu said about him and this ^^^ just reminded me that yesterday in this interview they finally asked him about it!!! (around min. 09:30)
They didn’t show Javi’s face when in that moment (instead they put the clip from the FCCJ without audio) but I think Javi was mildly surprised and wondering how paraphrased was what the interviewer told him??
Part of his answer was “I think it’s benefited us greatly training together […] Yuzuru is an athlete that works very hard, that puts a lot of effort… and both of us appreciate each other’s work. And that is what has taught us… (interviewer interrupts him and they end up changing the topic but it’s clear he was going to say more)”
Again Javi with the polite and controled answers… But please note, the way he looks at the camera when he says “both of us” (is not just me that see it, rigth?) Can they please stop!! I’m kind of dying between cuteness and angst here…
(Комментарий другого юзера: Yesss, he gives the camera SUCH a funny look when he says “los dos,” I’m dying.

Реакция автора: Glad to know that I'm not the only one to notice something there cause sometimes I think I'm getting delusional with these two... LoL)
У меня скачаны оба этих интервью, если кому-то надо - напишите в комментах, залью. Вью на испанском.
Ещё и пресска есть? Я богатый человек такие ещё залежи неизведанного. Так. Надо сесть и всё систематизировать, Извините, профдевиация.
Как же хочется, чтобы у них всё было хорошо. Если честно, очень переживаю за обоих а, если мне не изменяет интуиция, дальше будет смена жанра. А вот на какой - это уж реальность и мальчики сами решат.
По моему нет, здесь Хавьер на третьем месте.
Оно самое, только есть запись с более раннего момента, когда все трое за бортиком стоят.
Это 5 октября. Все приличные бэшки проходят осенью, а в мае соревновательный фк-сезон уже закончен, шоу идут.
Вы под таким странным углом всё видите.
Бедная сова.Отловила фразу: "Потому что нет на свете вещи, которую бы Овен Стрельцу уступил" Задумалась.
Хавьер родился 15 апреля - он Овен, Ханью - 7 декабря - Стрелец.
Полезла читать гороскоп совместимости, чтобы понять почему ж Овен Стрельцу то не уступает...И прифигела. Вот и не верь после этого гороскопам.
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