Общее фото (2-й день шоу). Крупно при нажатии (в отдельной вкладке)

Репетиции (30 мая):
Видео репы опенинга, в конце можно наблюдать, как Юзувьер держится за ручки до последнего twitter.com/javimadehistory/status/113427735725...
Здесь на видео Плюща тоже можно наблюдать юзувьер (верхний левый угол) www.instagram.com/p/ByF1oxLAuGk/
1-й день шоу, 31 мая
When yuzu was about to enter the rink he gave a low-five to someone standing close to the stage - it was Javi
оригинал на японском
Confirms Yuzu and Javi highfived right before Yuzu was about to go out and then Javi was watching Yuzu skate smiling, OP comments it was like an older brother’s gaze and says thank you to him
оригинал на японском
He was lovely and cute. Javi high five then obligatory waist touch. Stephane just big old hug! Twirled Anna then Luca twirled Yuzu!!!
2-й день шоу, 1 июня
yuzuvier are side by side in the photo finally some good fuckin food
they were chatting throughout and smiling so big (... because of the photos LOLOL) ahhh i love them. idk if it was javi or jeffrey buttle who was petting him on the back afterwards
seems like he was happily chatting with Javi throughout the commemorative photo being taken
Про Юзувьер от гугла
Рука Хави на бедре Юзу? Это гугл такой шалун или Хави?
Это гугл такой шалун или Хави?
Второе )
Хави с первой попытки сделал 4Т, Юзу внимательно за этим наблюдал в полуприседе.
Во время подготовки к групповому фото Юзу с Хави болтали и смеялись
Гугл: At the time of the group photo, when Hanyu came next to him, Habi-chan put her hand on Hanyu's waist with a quick speed
Habiyudzu precious
Наскальная живопись к шоу 1 июня, внизу нарисовал болтающий во время фотографирования юзувьер
3-й день шоу, 2 июня
С ПХ, третий день (человек сидел далеко, имейте в виду)
For the finale, he tried 3A again, and fell again, IIRC. Then he continued the choreo as planned. He did bow a lot and at the end after kneeling and pointing to the others for cheers, he did bow his head to the ground. Then he skated towards the exit and actually Javi seemed to talk to him a bit, then he ran off, unzipping again as he walked.
Oh and during Yuzu's mad quest of 4Lz at the finale, I would switch between watching him and watching the others and I noticed both Javi and Plush watching very carefully. Everyone else was clapping to the rhythm, but Javi had sort of stopped mid clap and seemed very focused in watching and Plush even showed him some body movement, how to pull tight on take off, between attempts. I found that really nice. (There might have been others, too, but I only saw the two of them)

Репетиции (30 мая):
Видео репы опенинга, в конце можно наблюдать, как Юзувьер держится за ручки до последнего twitter.com/javimadehistory/status/113427735725...
Здесь на видео Плюща тоже можно наблюдать юзувьер (верхний левый угол) www.instagram.com/p/ByF1oxLAuGk/
1-й день шоу, 31 мая
When yuzu was about to enter the rink he gave a low-five to someone standing close to the stage - it was Javi
оригинал на японском
Confirms Yuzu and Javi highfived right before Yuzu was about to go out and then Javi was watching Yuzu skate smiling, OP comments it was like an older brother’s gaze and says thank you to him
оригинал на японском
He was lovely and cute. Javi high five then obligatory waist touch. Stephane just big old hug! Twirled Anna then Luca twirled Yuzu!!!
2-й день шоу, 1 июня
yuzuvier are side by side in the photo finally some good fuckin food
they were chatting throughout and smiling so big (... because of the photos LOLOL) ahhh i love them. idk if it was javi or jeffrey buttle who was petting him on the back afterwards
seems like he was happily chatting with Javi throughout the commemorative photo being taken
Про Юзувьер от гугла

Рука Хави на бедре Юзу? Это гугл такой шалун или Хави?

Это гугл такой шалун или Хави?
Второе )
Хави с первой попытки сделал 4Т, Юзу внимательно за этим наблюдал в полуприседе.
Во время подготовки к групповому фото Юзу с Хави болтали и смеялись
Гугл: At the time of the group photo, when Hanyu came next to him, Habi-chan put her hand on Hanyu's waist with a quick speed
Habiyudzu precious
Наскальная живопись к шоу 1 июня, внизу нарисовал болтающий во время фотографирования юзувьер
3-й день шоу, 2 июня
С ПХ, третий день (человек сидел далеко, имейте в виду)
For the finale, he tried 3A again, and fell again, IIRC. Then he continued the choreo as planned. He did bow a lot and at the end after kneeling and pointing to the others for cheers, he did bow his head to the ground. Then he skated towards the exit and actually Javi seemed to talk to him a bit, then he ran off, unzipping again as he walked.
Oh and during Yuzu's mad quest of 4Lz at the finale, I would switch between watching him and watching the others and I noticed both Javi and Plush watching very carefully. Everyone else was clapping to the rhythm, but Javi had sort of stopped mid clap and seemed very focused in watching and Plush even showed him some body movement, how to pull tight on take off, between attempts. I found that really nice. (There might have been others, too, but I only saw the two of them)
they were chatting throughout and smiling so big (... because of the photos LOLOL) ahhh i love them. idk if it was javi or jeffrey buttle who was petting him on the back afterwards
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Во время подготовки к групповому фото Юзу с Хави болтали и смеялись
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отсюда twitter.com/rlawnsausw/status/11347408762555637...
И ответ от другого очевидца (по этой же ссылке):
and Habi squeezing Yuzu waist quite hard
Гугл: At the time of the group photo, when Hanyu came next to him, Habi-chan put her hand on Hanyu's waist with a quick speed
Habiyudzu precious
на японском
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For the finale, he tried 3A again, and fell again, IIRC. Then he continued the choreo as planned. He did bow a lot and at the end after kneeling and pointing to the others for cheers, he did bow his head to the ground. Then he skated towards the exit and actually Javi seemed to talk to him a bit, then he ran off, unzipping again as he walked.
Oh and during Yuzu's mad quest of 4Lz at the finale, I would switch between watching him and watching the others and I noticed both Javi and Plush watching very carefully. Everyone else was clapping to the rhythm, but Javi had sort of stopped mid clap and seemed very focused in watching and Plush even showed him some body movement, how to pull tight on take off, between attempts. I found that really nice. (There might have been others, too, but I only saw the two of them)