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Отрывок про Хави:
On Javier Fernandez
For Hanyu-senshu, what kind of existence is Javier Fernandez-senshu?
H: Since long ago, Javi has been a senpai that I could learn from. Until now, I’m relieved that I could meet him. He is an important person, an amazing athlete, someone that constantly gets my back. Because there is Javi, I could become stronger up to this moment.
What memories of practicing and competing with Javier Fernandez-senshu do you have?
H: In the public practice of Pyeongchang Olympics, when we practiced skating together, it felt like we were pulling each other through with skating so I was very happy. My skating style and Javi’s are completely different, but that didn’t matter at all I purely enjoy spending time just naturally skating together.
How were your final days of practicing (with Javier)?
H: Before the European Championship, his jumps didn’t come back at all, so I’m extremely worried. At that time I wasn’t able to skate properly, so we couldn’t practice jumps together, and it was frustrating. Close to the European championship, I saw that his jumps were improving, and I was very happy, but at the same time, I clearly know that soon, there will be no moment like these at the Cricket Club. Being able to skate together for a little more, and having so many things to catch up with Javi made me really happy. To be honest, I wished that these special moments could just continue forever.(laugh)
Do you have any expectation for Javier-senshu?
H: About leaving competitive skating as a top skater, I think there are many things to say, and I also read his interviews. He is basically a very kind person, so he cares for the figure skating world, brings up many things, and only him can help popularize figure skating in Spain. I want to send my encouragement “Ganbare”, and that I’m willing to give him a hand if he needs me to someday.
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I read new "Ice Jewels" at the bookstore today and it had new Yuzuru's interview (but didn't say when he took it though). Overall it was positive interview and he talked about WC 2019, his injury and its treatments, Javier, his daily routine in Toronto etc.
These are only summary, not literal translation.
About Javier, when Javier started training again in TCC before EC, Yuzuru was worried about him because his jumps didn't come back easily. But seeing they were getting better after a while, Yuzuru was glad for him. They had short time skating together in TCC before Javier left there, Yuzuru was very very happy to skate with him even though he could not do the jumps, only stroking together was happy enough and he hoped it would last forever. Yuzuru is expecting Javier will talk about figure skating as a former top athlete for the future of the sport, and he would be glad to help him promoting figure skating in Spain.
Yuzuru had known the injury this time would be bad as the last one, and also known it would take long time to heal again. He has been taking a lot of care such as ultrasonic therapy and low frequency treatment, and trying to grow the muscles around affected part. He also wants to get more stamina in this season.
Yuzuru still has troubles in English and feels he has to work more on it. He likes the fact that many Asian people live in Toronto and he doesn't stand out because of being Japanese. The merit of living in Toronto for him is to be able to practice at proper time and avoid hearing something he doesn't want to hear (he says this with "lol").
I don't know how to summarize other parts, but I got very strong impression that Yuzuru has found new and specific motivation, which is to aim for 4A and win. And he knows he has to keep skating with injured foot as long as he competes and knows that it would make people worried. There is Brian's interview in the same issue of this magazine, and he says "I think his injury has recovered pretty much" (again, we don't know when he took this interview.). But at the same time, he also says "Yuzuru doesn't talk about his injury very much." As for Yuzuru, he sounds like he really trusts his medical team and is very thankful for their professional treatment. So maybe he doesn't feel he needs to say about his foot in very detail and precisely to Brian, but who knows, it is just my speculation. (My take is his foot will not be completely healthy if he keeps competes, and he knows it. And sadly, this kind of situation is not uncommon among the top athletes.)www.goldenskate.com/forum/showthread.php?74832-...