Статья в номере Bungei-shunju, который вышел 10 апреля 2019 года Перевод на английский Kumi, текст перевода опубликован здесь. Я продублирую сюда на случай атомной войны. Переведены только части, где есть про Юзу.
читать дальшеJavi on Yuzu: ** This is from Bungei-shunju magagine. It is a status magazine with a long history. since 1923. Javi’s interview took place before the world, Javi had predicted Yuzu, Nathan and Shoma on the podium. This interview starts with his recent competition ( Euros 2018-2019).
① One year after I settled in Toronto, Yuzu also came to the Cricket Club in the spring of 2012. I was just about getting used to a new life. Brian asked me if it was OK for Yuzu to come, since we were competing at the same level. It was nice of him to ask, because that means a lot… a coach to ask from his student, to maintain trust. Brian knows about it. I gave a 100% go because I knew it would be nice to practice with a rival in the same rink. So Yuzu came, and as I thought, everyday practice got a sense of tense just like a real competition. We watched each other how the other was doing, we became conscious, got sense of rival. But it took us the right direction.
② I made a good decision to practice with Yuzu. Not only me but also Yuzu learned a lot from each other, more than we would’ve done alone. If you practice with someone, you will gradually know the character, habits, what impressed me the most of Yuzu, was his ability to concentrate. He practices to win, not to lose in the competition. It may sound too normal, but he is ready to sacrifice everything to win. “I will never, ever be a looser”… that kind of tenacious desire to win was what I felt from him even during the practice. I think it’s awesome for an athlete. Yuzu does his best even in his daily practice. It was not just me but all of us in the same rink learned a lot from him.
③ We have spent so many years together, but our relation never has changed. After all, me and Yuzu have always been each other’s rival, we competed so hard. It’s only natural that there has always been some sort of tension on the ice. But this January before I left Toronto for good, I had some time to talk with Yuzu, both of us relaxed. He said he was “ Very grateful “ for we practiced together, and said he would be missing me… and of course, that was exactly how I felt for him.
(omission: Javi’s experience before Olympics)
④ I was really happy to win bronze in the Olympics, but of course, I would have been happier with medal of different color.
Yuzu gave a big surprise, giving such a performance and he won gold… but he was (is) an athlete who makes miracles, you know (lol). He has such an incredible strong mentality… that is why he has become figure skating legend.
⑤ If I were in his shoes, I might have felt fear before the performance, for sure. Because of injury, there was not enough time to practice and came to the competition of one’s life.
And Yuzu had another pressure, to make a back-to-back win as a gold medalist from last Olympics. That was another battle for him. Enormous pressure it must have been. I have never asked him, but I am sure he must have felt some fear in his heart.
⑥ But, at the same time, he had to stay away from practice, that is what he really loves from his heart… that must have been so hard for him. In the Olympics, on the ice, he must have felt so happy… a sense of liberation… ‘cause at least he could skate. That is why he could give that performance, I believe.
⑦ I don’t know for how long more he is going to compete, I have no idea. But I have got a feeling… maybe, he would continue to compete as long as he could move his body. Figure skating is life itself to him. He lives for skating.
(Omission/ Javi’s view on figure skating in Spain, his future career, and so on)