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Юзу Хаби дружба навсегда (с) гугл
При этом на заглавном фото - Юзувьерный поцелуй
В отдельной вкладке крупно открывается во всей красе)

Здесь загружены все фотки под названиями, какие были в галерее (перевод на англ. юзера с Голдена).

Юзу Хаби дружба навсегда (с) гугл

При этом на заглавном фото - Юзувьерный поцелуй

Здесь загружены все фотки под названиями, какие были в галерее (перевод на англ. юзера с Голдена).
1. The rivals can not take their eyes off each other anyways.
2. Always watching, older brother and younger brother with three years gap.
3. Watching, any time.
4. Here, (watching) even at the time like this.
5. When he is watching Javier, he doesn't care about Pooh at all.
6. Watching even either one of the two wins.
7. Javi makes Yuzu laugh and Yuzu laughs.
8. Nothing changes even in the different positions.
9. Even in the different places...
10. Same.
11. Playing tag.
12. Fist bump.
13. The harmonizing high five.
14. Thank you for always taking care of me.
15. Because España and Japon are good friends from the days of Tsunenaga Hasekura.
16. Being good friends might be the destiny.
17. Silhouette romance of exchanging uniforms. (
18. Being sworn friends at Cricket Club might be also the fate.
19. Hugs Javi tight!
20. Hugs Yuzu tight, too!
21. Hugs Javi tight!
22. The cameras can't miss a scene of "Hugs Javi tight!".
23. But it is better if you don't over do it because.......
24. You are going to be like this!
25. It's a relieve not many people here.
26. Hugs unlimited.
27. Oh, someone is taking photos of us......
28. By our coach of all men.
29. Why me......(
30. Why!?
31. With being unsteady with the hugs, the mascot is wrong way round.
32. Sorry for getting you involved a while ago.
33. No space between these two.
34. No space between.
35. No space.
36. Boom. Too close and minor collision.
37. The practice of Gala is totally synchronized.
38. Therefore, Keegan Messing can not stand between them.
39. Don't fall with that jump...(anxious).
40. Big brother worries about you.
41. No, this is how we do it, pow.
42. Thank you for your continuous support.
43. Want to take a picture of two of us.
44. Want to take a picture of two of us!
45. JaviYuzu, forever.
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Ощущение, что Хави все-таки без отметин не ушел - рубашка тонкая, у Юзу ногти не под корень, а впивался будь здоров кошак)
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