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Из интервью Хави Кэнону после ЧМ-2013, с Голдена.
With Hanyu joining the team, he's become more self-conscious "I've got a strong desire to aim for the top."
- You've come out stronger this season than the last. What's the reason behind it?
I think that starting my off-season training earlier this season than I've ever done before, has proven to be beneficial. Ever since Yuzuru came, it's become more fun to do hard training, even on the days I feel like going back home, I just can't let myself do so, seeing Yuzuru doing his best. There's also the increased amount of practice and as we both are training with the "I'm not gonna lose" kind of mindset, my concentration has also improved.
- Were you opposed to the idea of Hanyu joining as a teammate last year?
I was glad upon hearing that he's coming to Toronto. He's a great athlete, an eager beaver. Being together with him is stimulating and I'm spurred on to do my best in training. There are other coaches besides Brian, everyone gives us proper attention, so I don't have any coaching issues. Just by skating on the same ice, I feel that there's a definite increase in our level of ability.
- Is there anything you have learnt from Hanyu?
What I had been missing was the strong feeling that I could become a medal contender. This year, rather than being concerned with the technical aspect, with Yuzuru right in front of my eyes, I've been constantly and duly reminded of the fact that we're aiming for an Olympics medal. I've finally begun to think that 'you know, I'm in the top-ranked group, not in the group of skaters ranked 10th or something'. In that sense, Yuzuru is an important comrade who stimulates me and I think that the training environment of this team is amazing.
Еще 2013-й год. Перевод с Голдена, оригинал уже канул в лету. Перевод от начала марта, т. е. это было до ЧМ
"To train with of of my rivals... actually I'm happy to be training with him, he's a very normal guy, he's very nice, friendly. If we train together with the same coach, we're a team, even if we compete one against the other. If [in a competition] he's first and I'm second, I'll be happy. I'd prefer him to be first more than any other skater."
НЧК-2012, цитаты Хави с пресски после КП.
I'm really happy with all the program - great start, great ending, everything I did. I was fighting absolutely on everything. and… I don't know what to say anymore. (laughs) I'm really really happy. because actually my practice in Tronto - it works on competition, too. So happy with Yuzuru, today's 1st one. thinking about tomorrow, it's gonna be big big harder. - that's it how I feel about.
- Some journalist asked how do you feel about Yuzuru's performance
I watched absolutely all the program of Yuzuru, I was really really happy… I think I was the same as Brian(Orser), like even emotionally watched the program, so I just find Yuzuru goes try to do his best, keep it high score again, that sounds pretty much impressive, impossible, so, I'm really happy that he's over there today. Because he deserves it, as he practiced really hard. Of course as he said, there's a good day and a bad day, but I know we're there, as a team, to hold each other, so better day could come.
(по ссылке вроде есть оригиналы на японском)
И статья про постановку новой показалки. С первого взгляда ничего юзувьерного там нет, но как знать, как знать...
Было бы круто, если бы кто-нибудь принес еще ссылку на интервью Хави после ЧЕ-2014, которое буквально на днях заносили в тред, я уже потеряла ссылку( Там были такие интересные сходства.
Из интервью Хави Кэнону после ЧМ-2013, с Голдена.
With Hanyu joining the team, he's become more self-conscious "I've got a strong desire to aim for the top."
- You've come out stronger this season than the last. What's the reason behind it?
I think that starting my off-season training earlier this season than I've ever done before, has proven to be beneficial. Ever since Yuzuru came, it's become more fun to do hard training, even on the days I feel like going back home, I just can't let myself do so, seeing Yuzuru doing his best. There's also the increased amount of practice and as we both are training with the "I'm not gonna lose" kind of mindset, my concentration has also improved.
- Were you opposed to the idea of Hanyu joining as a teammate last year?
I was glad upon hearing that he's coming to Toronto. He's a great athlete, an eager beaver. Being together with him is stimulating and I'm spurred on to do my best in training. There are other coaches besides Brian, everyone gives us proper attention, so I don't have any coaching issues. Just by skating on the same ice, I feel that there's a definite increase in our level of ability.
- Is there anything you have learnt from Hanyu?
What I had been missing was the strong feeling that I could become a medal contender. This year, rather than being concerned with the technical aspect, with Yuzuru right in front of my eyes, I've been constantly and duly reminded of the fact that we're aiming for an Olympics medal. I've finally begun to think that 'you know, I'm in the top-ranked group, not in the group of skaters ranked 10th or something'. In that sense, Yuzuru is an important comrade who stimulates me and I think that the training environment of this team is amazing.
Interviewed in London, post-2013 World Figure Skating Championships
Еще 2013-й год. Перевод с Голдена, оригинал уже канул в лету. Перевод от начала марта, т. е. это было до ЧМ
"To train with of of my rivals... actually I'm happy to be training with him, he's a very normal guy, he's very nice, friendly. If we train together with the same coach, we're a team, even if we compete one against the other. If [in a competition] he's first and I'm second, I'll be happy. I'd prefer him to be first more than any other skater."
НЧК-2012, цитаты Хави с пресски после КП.
I'm really happy with all the program - great start, great ending, everything I did. I was fighting absolutely on everything. and… I don't know what to say anymore. (laughs) I'm really really happy. because actually my practice in Tronto - it works on competition, too. So happy with Yuzuru, today's 1st one. thinking about tomorrow, it's gonna be big big harder. - that's it how I feel about.
- Some journalist asked how do you feel about Yuzuru's performance
I watched absolutely all the program of Yuzuru, I was really really happy… I think I was the same as Brian(Orser), like even emotionally watched the program, so I just find Yuzuru goes try to do his best, keep it high score again, that sounds pretty much impressive, impossible, so, I'm really happy that he's over there today. Because he deserves it, as he practiced really hard. Of course as he said, there's a good day and a bad day, but I know we're there, as a team, to hold each other, so better day could come.
(по ссылке вроде есть оригиналы на японском)
И статья про постановку новой показалки. С первого взгляда ничего юзувьерного там нет, но как знать, как знать...
Было бы круто, если бы кто-нибудь принес еще ссылку на интервью Хави после ЧЕ-2014, которое буквально на днях заносили в тред, я уже потеряла ссылку( Там были такие интересные сходства.
С первого взгляда там все юзувьерное