Вчера Хави был на испанском ТВ, говорил про РОИ, его в том числе спросили про Юзу (кусок чисто про Юзу, с субтитрами)

Полная передача здесь, с геоблоком.

I: But if you have a free spot and Yuzuru Hanyu called you, could we give him a role there [ROI]?
J: Man, of course! I absolutely would.
I: Where would you put him?
J: I don't know exactly where I'd put him but of course I'd put him in the show.

"We trained together and because of that we could see each others level daily. At competitions anything could happen but the good thing is that we always kept that friendship, that fellowship and that eagerness to make each other better. Whenever he won the truth is that I was happy because I saw the hard work we put in every day & how difficult high level competition is. And he felt the same way with me. There's no better way to compete than with a person who rejoices when you win or when you do alright."

И еще у Хави вчера была фан-встреча в Барселоне (с Юникло), там ему задали несколько вопросов про Юзу.

Q: Can you tell us an anecdote with Yuzuru and something related to Spain and him?
J: The only time he's been here in Spain was during GPF Barcelona and I know he had a good experience then. Well, he should tell you about that himself, haha.
But I will tell you an anecdote: One time I went to practice -I don't remember which championship it was- and I forgot my training pants. And Yuzu told me that-.... -since I couldn't show up to compete in jeans!-, he lent me one of his pair of training pants. Not everybody does this! That's why I'm saying it.
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- Question from a fan: Have you ever had a problem/quarrel with Yuzuru? Maybe because of envy?
J: No, no, never. You mean, because one of us had lost and the other had won? Never.
Although sometimes.... (TN: he told these as funny/lighthearted memories, he kept smiling fondly while speaking). While we were training for an important competition and well, one of us was angry and the other one was a little angry too...... *pause*... I mean, we never yelled at each other!!! (*Javi and the audience laugh*). It was actually like, "I don't wanna see! Don't look at me! Today is not my day!" *laughs*. That's normal in training, it happened between the two of us, between me and other people, and between him and other people as well. But yeah, no. it's just those moments when we thought "I want to skate well! Everybody else is skating well except me!" *imitates angry face* *laughs*

Видео встречи в Барселоне одним куском yadi.sk/i/xv7vu4TXHOMHxQ