Шоу 1, 15 июня
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Было держание за руки, как в Пьончане.

От японок:


英語翻訳: At the end Yuzu and Javi linked hands again "from the back" (not sure if she means like in Pyeongchang or eg. behind people's backs when taking group photo) ; ;

Ну и гвоздь программы, который смотрел куда надо и все подробно запомнил и записал =)

They skated holding hands!!!!!! Pyeongchang style!! I’m dying 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And Papa Orser is here!!’ ❤️❤️

In case I wasn’t clear. YUZU and JAVI skated HOLDING HANDS. During the farewell rounds, Yuzu REACHED BACK and Javi TOOK his hands and they skated around the rink HOLDING HANDS 😭😭😭
They had already gone around once, they were right in front of me, OMFG and Yuzu just reached back and Javi took his hands and they skated half the rink around holding hands. Then I guess that wasn’t comfortable because then then skated with just one hand holding 😭😭😭
My section just went crazy and you could hear the shrieking follow them around the rink as people began to see what was happening. This was in bright lights. They KNEW what they were doing and what people would see. I’m so happy that they don’t care 😍

Форева Юзувьер!

АПД. Совсем форева)
You know how Yuzu stands by edge of the ice, double high diving everyone who passes as they exit the rink? Guess who he double high fived AND hugged 😊 I was just laughing at this point because it was blatant FAVORITISM 😂
Шоу 2, 16 июня

Наскальная живопись (из треда, не понял к которому дню, но в случае юзувьера неважно - главное, что он есть))
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After the opening lights dimmed Javi and Yuzu were talking like good friends and Javi suddenly hugged Yuzu’s waist 😂💕

Yuzu and Javi took a photo in front of Tanaka-san, OP said after consulting w other people who saw, it was like they were pulling a bull and matador pose, where Yuzu was the bull and Javi the matador 😭😂

Apparently Yuzu and Javi held hands and went around again today (OP describes it as the ‘train pose’ lolol) - OP jokingly(?) wonders if Orser and Wilson put that in the choreo w

Javi and Yuzu made eye contact in the finale & yuzu stuck out his hand behind him energetically like ‘Nn!’ & they grasped hands. Also when they separated for yuzu to go to the centre, there was a feeling like ‘baiba~i’

Иллюстрация от kottymarusan момента с ручками.
(первая фраза - что-то типа "это рай", кажется но как-то более сложно сказано. потом "Навсегда" и "ХавиЮзу" )
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Шоу 3, 17 июня

in the finale, yuzu jogged to catch up to javi to do the 'train pose' (ie. hold hands) again. cricket club participated in a jump battle in finale - Javi did 4T3T, Yuzu did 4T3A and did a guts pose after landing 3A ; u ;

Yuzu ended up holding both Javi and Plushenko's hands, sandwiched between them, javi waves them off to the centre with a feeling like '行ってらっしゃい' (standard JP way of saying bye to someone like 'go safely')

Иллюстрация к третьему дню, Юзу держался и за Хави, и за Плюща
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Гуглоперевод сопроводительного текста:
I was busy It was a fun memory of FaOI Kobe that I enjoyed at the end of today. Sunday finale "Diamond" It is a three-person connection scene at the last circle. I caught a jabi and extended my hand to Mr. Pull, Mr. Hanyu really seemed happy ♡

Из отзыва очевидца с Голденскейта:
On the final day Yuzu did all his jumps cleanly and at the finale when he did the 4T-3A successfully he pumped his arms in excitement
During the finale when they are going to do the rounds on the rink he purposely went near javi. And just had those adorable smiley brother moments.

Девушка, которая была на первом шоу в Кобе, по поводу постановочности/непостановочности держания за ручки

I wouldn’t put it past TCC to do this deliberately as part of the choreo, but what I saw looked spontaneous. Yuzu held back his hands right when he was in front of my section (I was the 5th row I could see their eyelashes), and he smiled when Javi took them.

Then they skated at a sedate wave-at-the audience pace, not speeding to catch up to the skaters train 😂 Although is this first time I understood how Yuzu got to be in front of Javi. My fancam eyes weren’t tracking Javi and until suddenly he was holding Yuzu’s hands 😂😂😂

Maybe the first night was spontaneous and the next nights were what the heck let’s just roll with it. That’s why there was an Nnn! moment from Yuzu on the second night, he was expecting it 😂