Перевод отрывка отсюда:
It has been a true happiness for me to have practiced together (with Javi) for these six years, being able to go to competitions together whilst mutually making each other stronger.
– Yuzu, about Javi at PyeongChang
#mutually #yuzuvier #yuzuru hanyu #javier fernandez #this is maybe my favourite thing that yuzu says about Javi #he says 本当に幸せ #rather than his regular 嬉しい #I would use 本当に幸せ about the fondest moments of my life #so I find this moving#感動 #he also uses お互い a lot #ahhh
Источник англоперевода здесь.
Часть перевода Глади из Ice Jewels #8, про Хави
–– I saw you crying in the green room with Fernandez-senshu, and thought, what wonderful rivals, what wonderful friends.
Basically, Javi doesn’t get very tense before competitions. But this season, he suddenly began to get quite on edge, and I knew it was because he was immensely focused on the Olympics. In my case, “Sochi Olympics Gold” and my name were on the Olympic plate at the Cricket Club, but Javi wasn’t on there and I think he felt regret. When I saw Javi, medal clinched and released from [that regret] –– I was relieved. That moment, I felt so glad that he was rewarded.
–– I was touched by your tears for Fernandez-senshu.
At first they were tears for Javi, and after that, they were tears from the reality of getting the Olympic gold hitting home.
–– I am glad that Fernandez-senshu was also able to get a medal.
Though when you consider the color of the medal, he probably thinks he could go higher. But, the thing that had always been stuck on his mind is now dislodged, I guess, and I feel as happy for him as I would for myself.