Брайану благополучного и полного выздоровления! Блюсти диету и ЗОЖ.

Название: Навестить Брайана
Автор: анонимус
Категория: преслэш
Пейринги: юзувьер, Эффи, Брайан
Рейтинг: G
Жанр: флафф
Размер: 3к слов
Примечание: хронологическое АУ (когда Юзу делал бабочку под Кармен Габби, Брайана еще даже из больницы не выписали, но по-другому у меня не выходило). Так вышло, что в фике даже поцелуев нет - Юзу бдит)

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@темы: фики

Юзувьер из дежурки

Название: После Классики
Автор: анонимус
Категория: преслэш (настолько пре-, что можно считать дженом)
Пейринги: юзувьер
Рейтинг: PG
Жанр: зарисовка
Размер: 800 слов
Примечание: про свет в комнате что-то не вставилось никуда( Но он там был! Не в темноте они стояли.

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@темы: фики

Где тот анон, который хотел собрать всё вечером? :small:

Feel free добавлять инфу и фото, их много было.
В качестве иллюстрации пусть эта будет

История от очевидицы "как это было" в день ПП. Она же обещала потом загрузить фото в нормальном качестве.
www.instagram.com/p/BZaV-8ZHAts/ - фото с фильтрами от Дайске Мураками (зеркальные), выложенные после ПП.

@темы: фото, пруфы

Явления Юзувьера на шоу, 26 - 28 мая, Макухари.
Фоточка :crzfan:
Хави сияет, Юзу доволен, но слегка напряжен. Где левая рука Хави - не видно. :eyebrow:
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АПД: Новая фотка из фотобука (кликабельно)

Явления Юзувьера на шоу 9-11 июня, Кобе.

1. Шоу 9 июня.
Оупенг был под песню Cat's Eye. В конце на фразе "We get you" Хави с Юзу встали спиной, показывая на короткую сторону, в Юзу пальцем "выстрелил" в нее

2. Шоу 10 июня.
после финальной позы с спиной к спине с Хави, когда уже убрали свет, они друг другу дали пять

3. Шоу 10 июня.
После шоу все фигуристы вместе позировали для группового фото. Юзу отъехал взять свою бутылку воды, а когда вернулся, вклинился между Плющенко и Хави.
Похоже, что Юзу щекотал Хави, потому что тот широко улыбнулся, а потом заерзал. Да и рука его как раз на талии была.
После съемок фото бутылочка с питьем Юзу как-то оказалась на полу (может быть кто-то прихватил ее вместе со стулом), Хави это заметил и отдал ее Юзу.

@темы: 2017, шоу, пруфы, fantasyonice



Фик "Гроза", был в дежурке где-то летом. Юзувьер, рейтинг детский.

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@темы: фики

Название: (Not) Getting Married (Today)
Автор: анонимус
Категория: гет, слэш
Пейринги: юзувьер, микивьер (в прошлом), Хорхе/Мики (возможно, в будущем)
Рейтинг: PG
Жанр: юмор (?)
Размер: 3к слов
Примечания: в пяти частях. Если кому-то любопытно, чем навеяно название, то вот этим (простите, неанглоспикающие, не знаю, есть ли перевод)

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@темы: фики

Название: Потому что нельзя быть на свете красивым таким
Автор: анонимус
Категория: слэш
Пейринг: юзувьер (от лица Хави)
Рейтинг: PG(-13)
Жанр: юст длиною в песню)
Примечание: спасибо группе Белый орел :D

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@темы: фики

Само интервью здесь, на английском со шведскими субтитрами. У Хави от усталости все больше прорывается испаноинглиш, поэтому перевод местами не очень уверенный.

(про упущенные медали)
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(про то, что творилось в голове, когда упал в ПП)
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(Чувствовал давление?)
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(Да. А что ты скажешь по поводу своего buddy, о том, что он выиграл золото?)
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@темы: пруфы

UPD: Короткое вью Хави для шведов после ПП. Есть про Юзу, дважды:
- про то, что когда Юзу катает чисто, он чемпион без вопросов;
- про совместные тренировки, поддержку друг друга и вотэтовсе. Интервьюер, задавая вопрос про Юзу, сказал "your buddy" :D

Обнимашки после победы.
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После этого было вручение медалей. Идя по коридору, Юзу увидел Хави, подошел к нему со спины и потрогал за руку. Тот повернулся, а Юзу надел ему свою медаль.

Из статьи в НЙТаймс
“If he skates a clean short and a clean long, I might think he might be unbeatable,” Fernández said of Hanyu.
A few moments later, Hanyu arrived in the interview area, hugged Fernández, removed the shiny new gold medal from his own neck and placed it around Fernández’s.
But there was no doubt on Saturday about where it really belonged.


Затем где-то в зоне для фигуристов примерно в начале ПТ админ форума (волонтер) стала свидетелем Юзувьера.

También iban entrando los de danza que aún no habían competido a por café y cositas (Guillaume, Soloviev, Lanotte, etc.) y llegó Yuzuru. Primera y única vez que lo vi ahí, pero se fue a sentar con Javi y estuvieron con Javi allí un buen rato charlando amistosamente. La verdad es que después de todo lo que se ha dicho y lo que se ha visto, y de lo difícil que es ver esa imagen, me encantó tener el privilegio de ver esa charla, esa relación y como, en el fondo, se llevan bien y tal. A lo mejor es porque Yuzu había ganado... sí, a lo mejor sí, pero los dos fueron muy cariñosos el uno con el otro. Fue momento YUZUVIER total xD

They also entered the dance that had not yet competed for coffee and things (Guillaume, Soloviev, Lanotte, etc.) and arrived Yuzuru. First and only time I saw him there, but he went to sit with Javi and they were with Javi there a good time chatting amicably. The truth is that after all that has been said and what has been seen, and how difficult it is to see that image, I loved having the privilege of seeing that talk, that relationship and how, in the end, they take Well and such. Maybe it's because Yuzu had won ... yes, maybe yes, but the two were very affectionate with each other. It was YUZUVIER total moment xD

Аноны, кидайте в комменты, что еще вспомните и найдете :flower:

@темы: пруфы

Часть 1. Теперь он твой, детка!
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Часть 2. Немного секса и много любви
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Часть 3. Особенный подарок
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@темы: фики


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Нашла три штуки. Точно помню, что был еще про Рафа и Брайана, но не помню, когда.

В хронологическом порядке.

1. По мотивам фото Хави у бассейна www.instagram.com/p/BU1LNpsDUU-/

Однострочник по мотивам фотки Хави. Юзувьер, юмор.
"У каждого свои недостатки" (с)
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2. Реакционный однострочник на комментарий анона
Юзу всегда очень обстоятельный )
Анон, ты навел меня на еще одну мысль :lol:

Еще однострочник. Юзувьер, юмор.

Первый поцелуй

3. По мотивам фото Хави у моря www.instagram.com/p/BV1nRwvlro7/

Продолжение однострочника 1.
Однострочник-переросток (около 300 слов). Юзувьер. Романтика, юмор.

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4. По мотивам Юзудэйс, где тот поведал про лесопарки Торонто, птичек, белочек и что спрашивает у мамы названия незнакомых цветов. У кого Юзу спрашивает про незнакомых птичек, он не сказал, что и послужило поводом...

Хави, Патрик и телефонный разговор. Юзувьер в анамнезе. Юмор.

Разговоры о птицах

@темы: фики

www.instagram.com/p/BV7CQXmgOn8/ - Кусок интервью Хави, где он говорит про Юзу. ДОИ 2014. Фудзи. Точный источник неизвестен.
Подстрочник ответа Хави:
"Никто другой не заслуживал этого больше, чем Юсуру, потому что я могу видеть его тренировки каждый божий день. И как человек он, мне кажется, он просто чудесный веселый... веселый чудесный человек. Ему нравится наслаждаться жизнью, улыбаться, веселиться каждый день. И в то же время, когда приходит время соревноваться, время кататься, он становится очень сосредоточенным на том, что он делает".

Вдогонку к ДOI-14 маленькое видео, где Юзу копирует хореографию номера Нобу, одет в такую же серую кофту, как и Хави во время вью. dai.ly/x20i2z5

Совместное вью с Юзу и Хави с ДOI-13 (c 11:05)
"Мы будем упорно работать, чтобы постараться всех победить".
"Неважно, если у меня не получится попасть на пьедестал, а Юсуру будет на пьедестале. Я буду очень счастлив, потому что он как бы часть моей фигурнокатательной жизни, моих тренировок".

НЧК-2012, Хави остался смотреть прокат КП Юзу
youtu.be/F5WRVmpkeGc на 5:23
Была когда-то юзувьерная подборка, где есть этот момент с Хави. Помнится, Юзу на пресске даже упомянул, что Хави остался смотреть и он спокойно откатал.

@темы: 2012, пруфы, 2013/2014, 2012/2013


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Та-самая-гифка (Гала ФГП-16)
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Гифки с других ракурсов

"Покадровое кино" для особо упоротых лежит здесь.

@темы: гифки, пруфы, 2016/2017

Раз уж вспомнили, пусть будет здесь. Ссылка.

Под катом копия текста оттуда

INTERVIEW-Figure skating-Fernandez takes tips from his skating 'wife'
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@темы: пруфы

Картинка - море, под ней все страницы в нормальном для чтения размере.

Не уверена, что поставила нужный тег :hmm:

@темы: пруфы

На ПХ это закрытая секция, поэтому все в тэгах NI. Если будете цитировать, но забывайте их ставить, пожалуйста. (Для тех, кто там есть, - это страницы 48-49)

Юзер 1: I'm not sure how relevant this really is to this thread, but I just finished reading Javi's book yesterday and wanted to share a few impressions that may or may not fuel some plot bunnies at least :P Many of them possibly angsty though :headdesk: Putting under a spoiler, so people can skip if they like.
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Anyway, the above is just my impressions and thoughts and a bit depressing in the Yuzuvier way of things :P But it could make for some great angsty fics :P (Have I mentioned I love angst? :P)

Юзер 2: Thanks Юзер 1 for sharing insights about the book. I confess I had no idea that Javi had written (or at least had someone written) a (auto)biography.

I find the part about separating his private persona with his competitive persona very interesting. I mean, everyone has their own private image and their social mask, and how much of the 'real and raw' Javi is shown during competitions is something I wonder about. I believe it is kind of similar with Yuzuru, but our skater has basically cameras following him around (except when in ninja mode) so Yuzuru's social mask must be a lot thicker than Javi's (not a bad thing at all though... I hope I made myself clear here :rofl:).

Юзер 3: Maybe that explains why Javi likes Japan so much, he fits right in with this public/private - as shorthand - split!

Юзер 1 (в ответ Юзеру 2): It's my pleasure :) I think I stumbled upon a mention of the book on his twitter at one point, when I was stalking it lol It is an autobiography, as it's all in first person, though whether he sat and typed it himself or just dictated it to someone... who knows lol (I remember after that being very curious about the Yuzu and Brian books, it's they're also first person. I find that more interesting - though of course, in Brian's case, there's the issue of translation...)

In a way, the separating of personas isn't very surprising. I think, to some extent, all public people - and indeed, all people - have that. But I never saw that much of a gap between Javi during competitions and Javi in more relaxed settings, so it made me wonder if maybe even Javi in more relaxed settings, as long as it's still skating related, is still skater Javi. In which case, it makes you wonder about person-Javi. I agree it's probably the same for Yuzu as well. And I think it's quite possible we don't even have the slightest idea about the person-Yuzu, because like you said, he's almost always in the public eye. So the private person-Yuzu might have never made himself known to us. Maybe that's why he can disappear like that, too lol. Since nobody recognizes person-Yuzu :P.

Юзер 4: I also think Javi is more open in terms of both his public and skating persona (on ice vs off ice). I think Keiji talked about this subject in his interview with Shizuka - that most skaters have a different personality off ice and on ice.

In contrast, everyone who knows Yuzu since he was a child has said that he never really changed or that his off ice and on ice persona is that same. We know he is extra with everything (skating, gaming, earphones, kendama). :rofl:

But the one thing he has actually always kept private is everything off ice. We don't hear about his family or his home life except for the few snippets he does give away here and there.

Юзер 1 (в ответ Юзеру 4): Exactly. Javi talks a lot about his family in his book and his family appears in his documentaries and so on. He talks a lot about financial struggles and the sacrifices his parents had to make and so on. Yuzuru only mentions them vaguely. He credits them for all the support they've given him, of course, but never goes into details. The only time he does give away some private life details - in the books, as far as I've read so far - is when he talks about the earthquake. Beyond that it's very little, indeed. And it makes sense, that he'd want to keep that private, considering he's been a small 'celebrity' all his career - how many other novice and junior skaters get to be on TV that early on? - and that only got worse through the years? By comparison, Javi only started getting some media attention in 2013 and although it's been growing, it's still not really truly celebrity level, I think.

Юзер 4 (в ответ Юзеру 1): He should probably ask for advice from Yuzu on handling media because he's been very bad at it. haha.. :ohno:
He did give as "skating wife" though so I'm not complaining.

Юзер 1 (в ответ Юзеру 4): He seems to always have been... :headdesk: It's probably because he's very straightforward, in a way... But yes, some lessons in PR from Yuzu would go a long way lol (though messing up Javi can be cute at times, too... The skating wife comment is still epic. lol)

Юзер 4: I also find it weird how everyone seems to want to emphasize that yuzu and javi "are not that close" recently...
But when you look at how Javi always seems to touch Yuzu's waist and neck I'm like... /????/ because I don't see him interacting like that with any other male skater he is close to..
We accept that they're not close off-ice (I blame yuzu's hikikomori tendencies lol). But I think the reason why yuzuvier exists is that they have a sort of intimacy on ice. The way they interact with each other is very different from how they interact with other skaters.
*дальше гифки с ФГП-16*

Юзер 1: To be fair, Javi has 'molested' other skaters as well - there was a picture I stumbled upon once that I then pretended never to have seen, because, as a Yuzuvier shipper, I felt Yuzu was being cheated on :P - but I genuinely believe he and Yuzu have a very special bond. One that is born out of training together, being together on a day to day basis and being at the top together. Nobody else knows how hard the other works like they do. The hardships they face, the falls they endure, the bruises they sport, the small successes, the every day improvements. They support each other a lot, too, but, as skaters - and skating is still, for both of them, the most important thing in their lives - they probably know and understand each other best. So, in a way, to me, this bond is something beyond friendship, even beyond romance. Of course, that it could turn into romance, once they both relax a bit, I believe is also true - and it's where my fanfics generally end up at. But right now, it's just that special bond.

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Юзер 4: I do think that Boston was sort of the fork in the road for them and where they sort of split paths. That was a really high point for javi while it was the very low point for Yuzu.
I do agree that they might not have gotten as far with their skating career without each other - although a bitter part of me feels that Javi actually benefited more so than Yuzu (but let's leave my opinion at that. hehehe)

It is interesting though that while Javi seems to harbour some type of resentment - saying that if they're not as close it's not on his end... it seems that it's the opposite for yuzu? Both in his interview pre worlds (was it finnish tv? I forgot) and in Javi's documentary he emphasizes how he owes Javi a lot and credits him for winning, even putting the gold medal around Javi's neck /sob/.

By the way, which other skaters has javi molested? hahaha

Юзер 1: Regarding Boston and afterwards, so much happened that I think just set them on different paths. And again, I could ramble about that for hours, so I won't lol.

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Юзер 2: Back to the conversation of the personas, I guess culture does play quite a role here. As a Portuguese, I was taught since a kid that it's fine to show your emotions and to speak your mind the way you want. I believe it's the same for Javi, that's why he's on-ice character does not look very different from his off-ice persona (or at least that's how he wants us to believe). Yuzuru is definitely more reserved (not less emotional, but more aware that he's a public figure and that people look up to him) which makes me think that we have barely scratched the surface when it comes to his private life. And of course, he has all the right to keep it as secluded as possible. It's only through those short moments of him visiting the disaster areas (and even crying) that I feel he's lowering his 'armor'.

And even though we ship this Yuzuvier armada, I think it's their friendship, sportsmanship and camaraderie that touches all of us. I don't even need to have any sexual content in the middle (though I do write fics:rofl:). Their relationship reminds me of a good friend of mine. The kind that you don't have to see every single day or share your lunch box. It's the kind of friend that even without seeing you for a few months, knows immediately how you are when you see each other again, like silence is not awkward but just another way of communication (ok, going too poetic, but I don't think of Yuzuvier as being cold at all).

Юзер 4: I feel like Yuzu never actually saw Javi as a rival/threat until Boston - and that adds another layer to their complicated relationship. We should go back to the fluffy stuff... lol

Юзер 1: And I agree, which in a way is very surprising - and might have surprised even Yuzu; and maybe even Javi, which in turn could maybe explain the 'resentment'.

And lol yeah... I do sometimes feel we tend to avoid angsty stuff around here :P Which is fine, really, only I'm kind of addicted to it, so I always tend to... end up slipping on the angst path lol But fluffy is nice!

Юзер 5 (в ответ Юзеру 1, про Бостон): This is the interview I mentioned before on this thread where I see Yuzu being more solemn in his attitude towards Javi , and it's so far the only time I have seen him talk about Javi in that tone and with that almost guarded face...and your translation and understanding of the interview is not off at all. He does mention about Javi changing his layout when he wasnt there, and how he thinks Javi's attitude has changed, tributing this to his two win over him in front of his home crowd in Barcelona (notes: this is what Yuzu thinks, so it more so reflected his own attitude change I think).

I think he was at his most vulnerable and emotional at this interview( it was the day after Boston and they were shooting this in a hotel in Boston) and maybe some resentment and raw emotion such as fear came out but while is was almost heart breaking to see him get not so pleasantly surprised by this rival Javi that he found out exist besides the rinkmate Javi, I found it interesting that he said he admire him more after this... probably realizing that Javi also have a fighter spirit in him which he did not see before.

So I think they have passed a point of no return (phantom~) and the way I see it is that the only way their relationship might take a turn back to more playful or even romantic is after one of them r****(which, I think will make them realize how much they mean to each other in an epic scale... They do sort of credit each other now, but I think they will truly feel it then! *Fic idea haha)

PS.and yes I am loving these angsty discussion! I needed to talk to someone about this for a long time omg

Юзер 1 (в ответ Юзеру 5): Ah, I must have missed your post. I think, adding to Yuzu being very pressured and worried and scared, finding a rival in Javi probably shook him. I can't really put it in words, but I guess it is possible that after GPF, with his injury and all, he felt he was mostly battling himself and that was hard enough, but then he also had to battle a rival that seemed stronger than ever.

The interview is painful to watch and I think that's why I had been putting off re-watching it to check if my first impressions were correct.

However, now Yuzu is on top again and by some margin, so I think from his part, that panic has faded a bit? I don't know...

The playful I think can return, maybe a bit in the ice shows now, maybe post Olympics. However, even in the book Javi makes it pretty clear he intends to r**** after the Olympics, so... My only concern after that is that they won't that often anymore. Just during ice shows and Yuzu's will be somewhat limited until he r****s and even then... Javi wants to promote figure skating in Spain, Yuzu will probably stay in Japan...

I want them together on the podium in Pyeongchang so badly! To celebrate together... imagine the epic hugs we'd get! (And maybe if romance kicks their butts, they won't just appear to be kissing anymore, but actually kiss :P Imagine this thread if that were to happen! )

От себя: в последнее время Хави уже не утверждает, что уйдет на "пенсию" после ОИ.
При цитировании не забывайте ставить тэги NI.

@темы: исследования


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(Впервые опубликовано в Дежурке в ночь с 26 на 27 мая)

Флаффный драбблик о том, как один нашел в себе силы признаться, с другой смог его удивить
Музыкальное сопровождение для текста (необязательное)
Может быть передоз флаффа в организме)

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@темы: фики